نظریه علیت فاعلی
Yet, Suárez substantiates this terminological distinction between a principle from which and a principle for the sake of which an action follows by means of his theory of efficient causality.
Perhaps most famously by early modern mechanist philosophers, who would often criticize their scholastic predecessors' theory of efficient causality as obscure and futile.
Thus, even if Suárez's account of causation could with regard to free will be charged of leaving certain causal operations inexplicable, this does not count against his theory of efficient causality in general, but at most against his liber- tarian account of freedom in particular.
Even though there is some, and at a closer look perhaps even surprisingly ample agreement (just think about his theory of distinctions) between Suárez and his anti-Aristotelian successors, this should not obscure the fact that there is also a lot of disagreement between these two parties - in particular with regard to their theories of efficient causality.
Having come to know about the significance of forms in Suárez's theory of efficient causality, it is evident that every account of causality that does not rely on the assumption of substantial and accidental forms must be radically different from the one pro- posed by Suárez.
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